Our AS Traficline® PVC tiles are ready to board a plane !

A rather surprising and unusual project and yet our anti-static pvc tiles adapt perfectly to the constraints that the ground of a cargo transport plane can meet. Commercial aircraft have the distinction of only carrying heavy goods and large quantities, because each trip, the goal is to fill the space with the parcels.

Two requirements appear for this type of activity : excellent resistance to heavy loads and a dissipative floor.

The Traficline® tile is able to withstand the passage of loaded forklifts up to 5 tons so it will easily support the weight of the goods as well as their displacement during the trip.

Airplanes must have an antistatic floor so that electrostatic charges do not interfere with the airplane's electronic devices.

What is an antistatic floor ?

Our anti-static tiles contain conductive agents to dissipate electrostatic charges that manifest as micro-flashes. This phenomenon can cause fires and explosions, so it is vital to control it.

The advantage of our tiles is that they do not require any soil preparation thanks to their sealing effect and can be assembled and disassembled at will according to your needs. Easy and quick to install, this is the perfect solution if you do not want to stop your business and if you run out of time.

The Traficline Industry® range offers two types of technical tiles that can meet the requirements and standards of electronic environments (electronic component manufacturing workshop, ATEX zones and EPA etc.) : an antistatic tile and a conductive tile.

Traficline ESD® : cross resistance between 10 ^ 4 Ω - 10 ^ 6 Ω

Traficline AS® : cross resistance between 10^6Ω - 10^9Ω